Thursday, July 7, 2011

1. I love to sweat.
2.  My favorite types of movies are usually historical, autobiographical, and romantic chick flicks. :)
3.  I wear size 6.5 and 7 in shoes.
4.  My sister killed my hamster when I was 10.
5. I've never broken a bone.
6. I don't wear deodorant. 
7. I don't have a favorite number.
8.  My favorite color is yellow but I love pink too. :)
9. I'm really bad at picking up lyrics by ear if I don't have the actual, paper lyrics in front of me.
10. I love hands-on activities.
11. I am easily bored with almost everything and anything.
12. I love, love, love to eat.
13. Make up is a lot of fun.
14. I make lots of smiley faces when I chat with people even if I'm really not smiling... I don't know if it's just a habit... or, if I just want to be really nice? I think I'm just a really nice, friendly person. :)
15. I wish I took ballerina classes when I was a little girl, that way, I'd be a ballerina now.
16. I'm a very passionate person.
17. I have a nose piercing on my right nostril.
18. I'm a facebook addict.
19. I'm a people-person, but I like to stay away from the crowd too.  Less drama.  Get me? :)
20. My room is all blue.  Blue carpet and blue walls.  I plan to paint the room a different color... soon.
21. I love messy hair. So carefree but so sexy.
22. When I turn 22 and when Yuri turns 21, Las Vegas is a go!
23. I base my life on love. Love is the core of almost everything.
24. I make impulsive decisions. =/
25. I LOVE to go out clubbing just for the dance floor!
26. I believe in fairy tales.
27. Cinderella and Pocahontas are my favorite disney characters.
28. I've never traveled out of the country.
29. I chipped more than half of my left, front tooth. (July 2011)
30. Writing is my biggest challenge.
31. My ideal guy: nice eyebrows, present jawline, nice lips, pretty nose, and pretty hands. :)
32. I have an eyebrow fetish.
33. One of very few pet peeves is when people don't push in their chair.
34. I don't like doing laundry.
35. I'm quite the stubborn, impatient person.
36. I'm naive and I think I always will be.  I believe many and most people when they tell me certain things about themselves or how they feel.